Environmental issues


In the FCE exam questions on the environment are very common and are often present in the Reading Paper. In the Speaking Paper or Writing Paper you may be asked to express your opinion on the state of the environment and what can be done to save it.

In the text below you will find many useful words and phrases connected with this topic.

Nowadays, it is difficult to avoid environmental issues as the number of environmental problems has increased dangerously. We all know how pollution is having an adverse effect on our planet. Poisonous gases from factories destroy the ozone layer, contributing to the greenhouse effect which results in global warming. It is already affecting several areas of the world with unusual weather causing droughts, floods or heavy storms. Acid rain is destroying forests. As more and more rainforest is destroyed, the threat to wildlife increases, with several endangered species already on the verge of extinction. Apparently, we are heading towards an ecological disaster.

However, we can all do something to help protect the environment. We should try toconserve natural resources such as oil and coal, by turning down our central heating or making less use of our cars. Most cars use unleaded petrol, but this still damages the environment. Using alternative energy sources (wind, sun, water) would help preserve our planet. Many everyday items such as glass and paper can be recycled, so we should try to re-use them rather then throwing them away. It would reduce the problem of too many dumps where rubbish is stored.

acid rain kwaśny deszcz
conserve oszczędzać
drought susza
dump wysypisko
endangered species zagrożone gatunki
exhaust fumes spaliny
flood powódź
global warming globalne ocieplenie
greenhouse effect efekt cieplarniany
natural resources surowce naturalne
nuclear energy energia jądrowa
on the verge of extinction na krawędzi / bliski wymarcia
ozone layer powłoka ozonowa
pollution zanieczyszczenie
preserve chronić
rainforest las deszczowy
recycling utylizacja
rubbish śmieci (AmE: trash / garbage)
unleaded petrol benzyna bezołowiowa
wildlife flora i fauna

Now, look at the test below.


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